Thursday 17 September 2015

Our alien neighbors are gone

This is a good article if you are interested in space and science.

NASA now knows that there are no other life forms in our universe and you can sleep quietly tonight as there is no fear of aliens invading our planet because we are near the centre of our galaxy and the galaxy is 150 light years across.  The article goes on to say that there are different types of races as in the form of energy because there is Type 1 civilizations which know how to harness the energy on their planet.  Type 2 civilisations know how to handle the energy of their star/sun like they have put a sphere around the star that absorbs all the heat and energy given off.  Type 3 civilisation knows how to handle all of the energy in the entire universe and the centre star.

Humans as a civilisation are Type 0 or to be exact 0.2.  This is because we don’t know how to handle all of our natural resources excluding fossil fuels and oil.  There is a lot more energy that falls on our planet other than what is harnessed by solar panels such as the magnetic feild around our earth and the electronic waves coming from the sun, and lava.

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